Tuesday, May 20, 2014

That moment when you are so far behind...

So because of exams, a literature review, travel to Huangshan and Beijing this month, I've completely neglected my blog. This is my attempt to try and catch up as quickly as possible!

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Monday 21 April, 2014 
¥2.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥11.00         Butter and Bread
¥25.00         Dinner (KFC)
¥15.00         Dinner (Chicken and Cheese)

- Today I did my speaking presentation on Australia, and I think everyone really enjoyed it because they were involved and asking questions. I made vegemite sandwiches for them to try, and they didn't entirely hate it!

- Also today my wonderful friend K from back in Australia sent me an incredibly thoughtful care package. She is my exercise buddy so she gave me just the right amount of good stuff and bad stuff! :)

- Also we discovered something very interesting.. although it should have been very obvious. 4 of us wanted to have KFC for dinner that day because it was raining and we were too lazy to go else where for food. We ordered the family meal. When I was unpacking it, they only gave us 3 cups, so I thought they left one out. Then I noticed they had 3 servings of food... Ah! It is so obvious! Here it is the one child policy, their family size is usually 3, not 4! 真的有意思。

Chinese bread, New Zealand butter, Australian Vegemite. It's literally ANZAC! (ANZ And China) Also I'm too lazy to switch this around, sorry. I'm not very professional.

My friend's wonderful care package!

Tuesday 22 April, 2014 
¥2.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥4.00           Dumplings
¥16.50         Casa Miel (Drink)
¥200.00       Tutor
¥22.00         Drink
¥10.00         Laundry

- Today was the first day of exams.

Wednesday 23 April, 2014 
¥3.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥21.00         Lunch
¥12.00         Ice Cream
¥91.00         Bus Ticket (Huangshan)
¥8.00           Dinner
¥3.40            Orange

Thursday 24 April, 2014 
¥4.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥12.50         Coffee
¥1.50           Banana
¥25.00         Dinner (Noodles)

Friday 25 April, 2014 
¥4.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥55.00         Lunch (Vineyard)
¥17.00         Drink
¥9.60           Coffee
¥36.00         Dinner
¥112.50       Walmart
¥37.00         KTV

- Finished exams, so went to celebrate in KTV.

Saturday 26 April, 2014 
¥5.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥21.50         Snacks (Chao Shi)
¥10.00         Lunch
¥63.00         Hotel
¥25.00         Taxi
¥53.00         Dinner
¥3.50           Ice cream

- Left midday to go on a 3-4 hour ride to Huangshan. Stayed in Tunxi, which is the major town near Huangshan but around 1 hour away from the actual foot of the mountain.

Sunday  27 April, 2014 
¥12.00         Breakfast
¥22.00         Bus 1 (To get from Tunxi to the foot of the mountain)
¥19.00         Bus 2 (To get from foot to entry to mountain)
¥115.00       Park Entry
¥5.00           Tissues (Everything is more expensive on the mountain!)
¥80.00         Cable Car (One Way - we took it coming down)
¥30.00         Dinner (Back in Tunxi)

- Today it was really bad weather, and it was the day we were hiking up the mountain. There were 6 of us, 2 Korean girls, one German girl, one Indonesian boy, my friend ZZ (from Spain) and me. 
- In the morning we woke up at 5am to go outside to find breakfast but the hostel doors were closed and nothing was open. So I rummaged the shelves of the hostel and grabbed a Chinese brand instant noodle, which was a bad idea because I think something inside it made me sick. Stomach ache sick.. cannot walk sick.
- Luckily I bought a lot of meds with me, but it did hinder my enjoyment on the walk.
- Not only that, Huangshan is famous for the views, and that day it was raining and it was so foggy we couldn't see anything next to us.
- It was a really tough hike up, and since we were so many people we had to cater for each other so we ended up taking 3 hours to walk up.
- By the time we walked up it was freezing and I didn't feel like seeing anything. We went to the highest peak, and then decided to cable car down around 2pm. That's quite early seeing as we only hiked up at 9am.
- We had met some chinese local boys along the way and were going with them to begin with, but some people in our group couldn't keep up with the pace so they left us.
- I do somewhat regret that we could not have stayed with them, since they knew their way and were taking us to see some cool places.
- Later back in the hostel, they showed us that we missed seeing a very rare phenomenon, a glory . What happens is when you look into the sun, all you see is yourself as a shadow cast inside the sun. Does that make sense? I usually have no regrets but perhaps this is the one big regret of my whole trip in China so far.
- What did I learn? This is why it's important to pick your travel buddies wisely... I don't blame anyone for the fact that we missed out, and in reality I was probably not up for it either given my health condition at the time and the horrible weather.. but it's a sign. You must always make the most of every opportunity and every experience that you can!!!


I lived by this map! We only went from the bottom right cablecar symbol to White Goose Ridge, then Bright Top on the first day.

Rainy in Tunxi

Why is everything expensive on the mountain? Because this is how food gets up there.

This was one of the lucky views on the mountain... most of the other views were just white fog!

Total: ¥1224.00 ($219.75)

Weekly Total: ¥1224.00 ($219.75)

Total Spend: ¥22952.65 ($4372.00 AUD)

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