Monday 14 April, 2014
¥6.00 Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)¥25.00 Lunch
¥28.00 Drink (Peet's)
¥65.00 Dinner (Vineyard)
Tuesday 15 April, 2014
¥2.00 Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)¥5.00 Snack
¥45.00 Lunch (Peet's)
¥200.00 Tutor
¥145.00 Walmart
¥35.00 Dinner
¥50.00 KTV
¥17.00 Maccas
Wednesday 16 April, 2014
¥3.00 Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)¥12.50 Coffee (Peet's)
¥7.00 Lunch
¥9.50 Dinner
¥7.00 Water
¥2.00 Pineapple
Thursday 17 April, 2014
¥4.70 Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)¥2.40 Banana
¥10.00 Lunch
¥35.00 Gatsby Hair Gel
¥17.00 Dinner
¥2.00 Pineapple
Friday 18 April, 2014
¥3.00 Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)¥7.50 Banana and Yoghurt
¥9.00 Lunch
¥7.00 Dinner
¥2.00 Pineapple
Saturday 19 April, 2014
¥3.00 Breakfast (Bao zi)¥12.50 Coffee (Peet's)
¥6.00 Lunch
¥13.00 Dinner
Sunday 20 April, 2014
¥10.80 Breakfast¥14.00 Dinner
Total: ¥822.90 ($147.70)
Weekly Total: ¥822.90 ($147.70)
Total Spend: ¥21728.65 ($4152.26 AUD)
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I'm quite behind on all my posts so I'm going to summarise the highlights of this week in a few points:
- On Tuesday, during my Wushu class, a little boy came up and joined us and somehow got attached to me. I was quite distracted with him towards the end of the lesson as I was teaching him Wushu moves to follow along with us. Afterwards I stayed back a bit to attempt to fly a kite with him, and he kept falling or hurting himself, which made me feel bad but his mum was very cool about it. I had to leave him, and his mum said he was asking all the "aunties" (girls) on campus where I was.. very cute. He also left me a voice message in swahili on my phone which was very sweet.. again his mum had to decode it for me!
- On Thursday I walked in on my art teacher lying on the tables looking tired and I think I startled him. He's already quite shy and quiet so I think made him very embarassed! But it became a good starting point to just chat, and I found out he could understand Cantonese.. which is mighty helpful as now I can just ask him questions in Canto.
- On Friday we played Mahjong after dinner. We added some new rules to make it interesting.. for example, for one of the rounds, whoever lost had to swap their shirts with the next person in a clockwise manner (so 3 losers swapped shirts). Luckily I won, which was good as the other 3 players were boys and I did not particularly want to have someone else wear my shirt!
They eventually all got their shirts back in the following rounds. For the last round, we wanted to do a really good dare, but after 30 minutes of trying to think of one that we all agreed on, we decided to just give up and shout supper for whoever won. Again, I won that game with a very lucky Zimo (self-picked winning card). It was lucky because.. I hadn't won any of the other games beside these two important ones!
- On Saturday we went to my tutor's house for dinner. She has a really nice place, and I had a really good time with everyone just sitting around and playing games. There is a running joke now that whenever someone chooses to do a "dare" we making buzzing noises and re-enact shavers running across eyebrows..
Anyway this weekend, I am going mountain climbing with ZZ and his classmates. I'm going to be pretty busy these few weeks as I just finished exams (actually I still have one tomorrow..) and then I'm going to Beijing for a week (Alone! Ah!) and I have two assignments due.. One lit review, one methology write-up. Busy busy busy week!