Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My Mahjong Week.

Monday 7 April, 2014 
¥6.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥13.00         Snacks (For train ride home from Wuxi)
¥30.50         Lunch (Maccas)
¥19.00         Pudding (Welcome Home Pudding!)
¥20.00         Dinner

Tuesday 8 April, 2014 
¥3.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥3.50           Latte
¥42.00         Lunch (Peet's)
¥200.00       Tutor
¥13.00         Dinner
¥14.00         Milk Tea (Coco)
¥5.00           Street Performer

Wednesday 9 April, 2014 
¥6.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥6.70           Exercise Books
¥12.50         Coffee
¥11.20         Lunch
¥45.50         Dinner
¥2.00           Pineapple
¥7.00           Taxi

Thursday 10 April, 2014 
¥6.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥20.00         Payment for Class Excursion (To ShaoXing)
¥10.00         Laundry Coupon
¥4.00           Lunch
¥50.00         Cobbler
¥23.80         Tissues
¥3.00           Pineapple
¥20.00         Dinner
¥8.00           Yoghurt and Water

Friday 11 April, 2014 
¥6.00           Breakfast (Uni Restaurant)
¥3.50           Latte
¥6.00           Lunch
¥9.00           Dinner
¥9.00           Milk Tea (Coco)

Saturday 12 April, 2014 
¥3.00           Breakfast (Zongzi)
¥28.00         Cafe (1897)
¥4.00           Lunch
¥19.00         Dinner
¥2.80           Vitasoy

Sunday 13 April, 2014 
¥4.00           Breakfast (Fujian)
¥12.50         Cafe (Peet's)
¥12.00         Lunch 
¥45.00         Fruits 

Total: ¥768.50 ($137.90)

Weekly Total: ¥768.50 ($137.90)

Total Spend: ¥20905.75 ($4004.56 AUD)

- - -

Actually the highlight of my week was Sunday, when my auntie here invited me to her house for dinner. But I forgot to bring my phone cable so I can't upload any photos from that.. hopefully I'll update that soon.

Next week is exam week, which means 4 exams. I also have my speaking presentation on the Monday, so I'm feeling a bit stressed and busy. Although really I shouldn't be feeling that worried, since none of my marks here count towards anything. But I really don't want my teacher to think I'm not a good student.. so I really want to do well. That's a lot of pressure on myself I know.. seeing that I also have my UTS assignment (which actually counts towards something) due the week after. 

Anyway this week we spent a few nights learning and teaching each other Mahjong. There are many different ways to play Mahjong, depending on what style you learnt. I grew up with Cantonese Mahjong, which is a slower game as it requires more strategy. We also learnt Wenzhounese Mahjong, which according to my friend is all about the "win" as there is a big gambling culture there. It's much more fast paced - sometimes you spend more time "washing" the tiles than actually playing. The main differences between Wenzhounese Mahjong and Cantonese Mahjong are that:

Wenzhounese Mahjong has:
- each person starting with 16 tiles

- there is a wildcard tile that can stand for anything
- the "whiteboard" tile is played immediately as a separate tile (sort of like a flower) and gives you an extra point
- there are no flowers in the game.
- you can win with a basic hand (no special requirements)

Cantonese Mahjong has:
- 13 starting tiles
- most games don't allow "chicken soup", which is essentially a basic hand
- flowers (and other more complicated point systems)

 ce also don't have a Mahjong table, so we play on the communal tables in level 2, which are a tad too small.
 This week I also received mail from my lovely cousins again! Thank you guys :) It's my goal to start writing some letters and things to mail back after the end of April.. because of exams and UTS assignments!

I'm also starting to enjoy my elective classes more now. (Remember how I said I really didn't like both teachers?) Well now we all kind of poke fun at how serious our calligraphy teacher is (he's quite receptive to these jokes so that's alright), and I find how shy and quiet my art teacher is quite endearing - I imagine every time he takes initiative to correct us he's facing this huge internal dilemma over whether to talk or not.

We learnt how to write "Wan Shi Ru Yi" which means "Best wishes" or "May all your hopes be fulfilled." The style on the left is Chao Shu which is a fast calligraphy style, and the style on the right is Zhuan Shu which is the original (ancient) writing style.
Okay I need to grab some lunch before my afternoon class now. Hopefully I will be up to date soon with blogs because being so behind is stressing me out too!

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